Building Better Brands!

Many businesses struggle to align their brand to the wants and needs of their customers or clients.  Consumer tastes and values are forever changing. How do people truly perceive your business?  Get the training, development and mentoring you need to build your brand.


What we offer

Niche Workplace Education takes 40 years of experience across traditional and digital media and puts it to work for you. It’s all about how you connect with the people you serve – your customers or clients. How they perceive you and your brand depends upon how you speak to them, how you treat them, and how you care for them. It’s really that simple. We offer training, development and brand growth support.

Workplace Education

Help your workforce become more skilled in serving the needs of your business and the people you serve. It will help your employees grow, be more confident and thrive amongst competition.

Consulting & Training

Are you pressed for time? Are you struggling to deliver your message to your audience? We can help your brand gain traction through clear and consistent messaging that will resonate with your customers.

Project Development

Are you having trouble getting that new project off the ground? Whether it's a new website, an ecommerce store, a social media or email marketing campaign, we can help you get on track, with measurable results.

What People Say


Consulting and training with
practical applications

Business solutions that can help you get there.

Our Philosophy

Know what you offer, communicate it effectively, and keep your promise.


Why does your business or organization exist? What are your values, your vision, your goals? Are you meeting them consistently? Do the people you serve understand what you stand for and how you can truly help them? What value do you bring to them?


We live in an information age where we are bombarded with messages everyday. It can be a challenge to cut through all the clutter. Knowing how to communicate effectively starts with knowing what the people you wish to speak to actually care about? We help brands make their messages meaningful, impactful and effective.


Do you sometimes feel so overwhelmed by circumstances that there is a difference between what you would like to do and what you actually do? Time and situations can make victims of us all. Identifying problem areas will help you get back on track. Let's strengthen
your goals by creating solutions.

Research driven advice

While our primary focus is on the ever growing digital landscape, we understand the success of a business is derived from the total sum of its parts. Our wholistic approach appreciates that people live behind the digital scenes. 
 Real success comes not just from knowing what people do, but why they do it?

Latest Projects

Sattva Boutique

Niche helped Sattva in adjusting to the pandemic with brand strengthening, email marketing, website advice, building and customer loyalty. We also managed ad campaigns that drove sales, and more than doubled out-of-province exports during the key holiday selling season. 

Ivan's Audio / Visual

Niche worked with Ivan’s A/V on project management and content development for their new bilingual website to speak more effectively to target audiences. Niche provided French translation services for the busy A/V company, with offices in Moncton and Halifax.

Dynamic Learning

Niche assisted Dynamic Learning with revamping its website with a more client centric approach and helped the company increase its target market network in LinkedIn from less than two per cent to more than 30 per cent in a short time frame of two months.