
Niche Workplace Education offers training, advice and practical help to a wide range of clients, from start-up business to those seeking to grow their business and make a greater impact with their brand.   

Workplace Education Clients

Barrington & Area Chamber of Commerce

Black Business Initiative

Bluewater Community Business Development Corporation

Centre for Women in Business

Halifax Chamber of Commerce

Fall River Business Association

Family Business Atlantic

Sheet Harbour Chamber of Commerce

Victoria County Tourism Association

Village on Main

Niche Workplace Educator Rob Gorham (front, right) with some of his graduates at Family Business Atlantic in Dartmouth, along with Workplace Coordinator Margo Hampden, back right.

Individual Clients

I’ve had the pleasure to work with hundreds of clients over the past 16 years. 

References available upon request.

What People Say


Customer relations with
transparent communication ...

Business solutions can help you get there.